Enough rambling, here is my point. The fact that flawed, imperfect, talks too much me can find an incredible man like Andrew allows me to draw 2 conclusions. 1) God's a God of grace. I have failed and not trusted Him so many times, yet He went before me and gave me this wonderful gift anyway. I do not deserve such a gift, especially when other girls better than me have yet to receive it, so I bow my head in thanks. How amazing is His grace! and 2) If someone as imperfect as me can find someone as incredible as Andrew, anyone can!
I love the journey He has taken me on. And I know there's more to come, but my point for writing all this is to encourage girls out there to live! Live life like God has it for you. I am not God. I can't promise anything, but I know that I know that I know that He is faithful. He has a plan and I pray I can help people understand that Andrew, a huge house, perfect children, none of that is the answer. God is. So kick your heels off, put your feet up and rest in the fact that God has a plan. And a man! (That totally rhymes). Live life with wild abandonment!
Now here is the short version and some pictures of my proposal....
I am a CIA agent when it comes to surprises and my snooping and talking about it could have ruined everything if Andrew weren't so sweet and patient. He was determined to surprise me and make this special, no matter what. We flew to Knoxville for a wedding. The following day, me, Andrew, and Andrew's brother went to Cade's Cove to "take a Mother's Day' picture" in the mountains. Now mind you, I was in a bad mood because I hadn't gone #2 the entire time we were there and looked and felt pregnant! On the way there I even made a comment to Patrick that I was bummed because I checked Andrew's pockets and there was no sign of a ring! (Of course he told Andrew this....traitor!) Patrick pulled over for the picture and I was so enamored with the turkeys running around the field that I didn't even notice that Patrick was at a distance taking pictures. When I turned around, Andrew was on his knee. Y'all, he had been on his knee before and presented me with cuff links as a joke so I looked at Patrick as if to say "Is this for real?" When Andrew began to speak shakily, I knew. He was nervous and my heart was racing. It was so surreal! I don't know how other girls have felt in this moment, but I didn't cry. I was too shocked. It didn't sink in for awhile. I knew we would get married and that it was coming one day, but still....It was so surreal! My phone didn't work in the mountains for like 20 minutes so I stuck my head out the window and told every hiker that came by. It was perfect. We even celebrated at Taco Bell afterwards, my favorite. Andrew's family was waiting in the parking lot of Patrick's apartment complex. Andrew's Dad hugged me and said I had a glow. I told him yes, I was ecstatic but I was also glowing because Taco Bell had done its' job!
One More Thing.........I start writing in a journal and I told myself I would give it to my husband, along with a few letters I wrote. I love the idea that I was writing him letters and writing out prayers before I even met him.