Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Hollywood and Politics....a bad cocktail!

You know what's annoying....Hollywood. I will be the first to admit that I follow all the diets, love triangles, who is dating who and fashion in LaLa Land. I often visit and I love it. I am a hoe for it, but the whole Hollywood goes to Washington makes me wanna hurl my Wheaties. Take Jessica Alba for instance. I watched an interview with her yesterday, and I wanted to throw my tub of Ben and Jerry's at her. She was badgering some poor reporter because he refused to answer what he admired most about Obama. He was trying to do his job and the B list actress was in his face scolding him for not wanting to answer. What the crap! Stick to your bikini wearing movies with no plot and let the man do his job. I love stars like Jenny McCarthy who take a cause, like autism, and advocate and speak out. She's educated on the subject and has done so much for the cause. And Bono! He's the stinkin' man! But these little starlets that have diarrhea of the mouth and are oh so educated need to shut their pie holes. Like all these environmental activists who fly in their private jets on a weekly basis and use more electricity a month to heat their mansions then I do all year. Those are the people I'm talking about. Half of these Bush-is-an-idiot-and-ruined-our-economy freaks didn't even finish high school! Here's the deal Jessica Alba... When you graduate from Yale or Harvard at the top of your class, then you can call Bill O'Reilly a b-hole (she did that in the interview, too). Until then, stick to your starvation regimen, baby making and crap movies. Now don't get me wrong. I have no problem with people having opinions. Shoot, I have an opinion about having an opinion. I don't begrudge Ben Affleck for being liberal and having opposed views from mine. He's actually a pretty smart guy. What I am saying is to have an educated opinion, not just throw out insults. Or be hypocritical. How many "Green" celebrities flew to DC yesterday on a commercial airline? My point exactly. I'm not gonna go all crazy and boycott movies. Shoot, that would suck for me! All I'm saying is do what you do best and act. And if you wanna advocate, talk to Jenny McCarthy or Bono and learn how to not look like an idiot!

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