Why are people so ugly? I mean, I know there are b-holes just about everywhere you go, and I know they are usually insecure or bitter or hurting, but I just don't get it. I am really struggling with trying to get used to this fact because it is the most disheartening thing I have experienced in my adulthood. My Mama has always said that you can't change people, only yourself. That when a comment is made, you gotta take the truth from it (if there is any), use it to better yourself, then leave it. And I get the importance of that, but I'm not gonna lie. It hurts. It hurts like the dickens. Every glare, every roll of the eyes, every mean gesture feels like salt on a wound. Part of it is my insecurity. This I know. I am who God says I am so I should hold my head and be confident in that. But that's not the worst of it. The thing that really shakes my core is the fact that people are like this. That they feel like they have to be like this. Instead of saying I'm sad. Or I'm lonely. Or I'm insecure. Instead of sharing and letting someone bring them up, they wall their hearts and try and bring others down. What happened to people? I am terrified that there are more rude, bitter, ill-hearted people out there then there are loving, kind, selfless people. I'd like to say Christians are the rare specimen of decency but that isn't so. Not by a long shot. Ill-hearted people are everywhere. At work. In my apartment complex. At church. At the grocery store. At the bank. They are everywhere, and it scares me to death that my little girl or little boy will be raised in a world with such selfish, self-centered people. People looking to screw you over. People who wait for you to fail. People that would rather be mean to you for your success than congratulate you for your hard work. This saddens me beyond words. And I am daily attempting to come to terms with the way people are, but here's all I can do. Not be a part of it. Live above reproach. Don't get me wrong, I am the first to fire back an insult if one is thrown at me. Or call someone in tears so that they can validate that whatever some b-hole said or did to me is wrong and I am great and wonderful, blah blah blah. While this makes me feel better at the moment, it's not the way to overcome this. The way to deal with it is by acting like Jesus. He was insulted. He was betrayed. He was messed over. He was hated. He was spit on, and He held His head high and went about His merry. little way.
So this is what I am gonna try and remember next time I get insulted: The most brilliant being that has ever walked the face of the planet, the Son of God, was able to keep his mouth shut. He didn't find the need to bark back. He didn't have to. You know how He responded? He walked confidently in who He was. And that's precisely the way I need to handle the mean, b-holes I come across every single day. Act like Him. Live like Him. And respond like Him. Because I gotta say it's only gonna get worse.....And if I don't learn this lesson now, I'm gonna live a life in defeat and sadness.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Thursday, May 14, 2009
What a Day....
Before I share my story I want to stress something to the millionth degree. I never thought I would get married. I wanted to. Oh, how I wanted to more than anything but it felt hopeless. I had never even had a boyfriend prior to Andrew. I remember looking at an old picture where me and 10 girls were surrounded by a bride at a wedding and I was the only single girl in the picture. It felt terrible. I didn't trust that God would give me the desire of my heart. I felt like the rabbit who never got to the Trix. Abraham who never stepped foot into The Promised Land. I dated a little bit. I tried to make every guy "The One" in my head. I would envision the wedding, the whole bit, but it never played out. Then I stopped trying. I gain 100 pounds and go femi-Nazi, but I just lived life. Some people say you have to be perfect when you meet The One? Look good. Have it all together. Well, that 'aint true. I was in a weird place when I met Andrew. I had some issues with my church that had just split. I felt like God disappointed me in some areas so I was angry. To be honest, I was a bit lost. Then I met Andrew. And guess what? He wasn't the missing link to my soul. I didn't meet "The One" and then bam, life made sense! (Thank goodness!) When you fall in love, you still have problems! You still have fat days! You still have issues with your church split and with God that you have to work out. But guess what? God is a brilliant God. He didn't wire us to be filled completely by one person. He created us to be filled by Him. And though Andrew helped me want to work on some issues, he wasn't the answer to life's problems. He is simply icing on the cake. Because y'all....God takes the cake!
Enough rambling, here is my point. The fact that flawed, imperfect, talks too much me can find an incredible man like Andrew allows me to draw 2 conclusions. 1) God's a God of grace. I have failed and not trusted Him so many times, yet He went before me and gave me this wonderful gift anyway. I do not deserve such a gift, especially when other girls better than me have yet to receive it, so I bow my head in thanks. How amazing is His grace! and 2) If someone as imperfect as me can find someone as incredible as Andrew, anyone can!
I love the journey He has taken me on. And I know there's more to come, but my point for writing all this is to encourage girls out there to live! Live life like God has it for you. I am not God. I can't promise anything, but I know that I know that I know that He is faithful. He has a plan and I pray I can help people understand that Andrew, a huge house, perfect children, none of that is the answer. God is. So kick your heels off, put your feet up and rest in the fact that God has a plan. And a man! (That totally rhymes). Live life with wild abandonment!
Now here is the short version and some pictures of my proposal....
I am a CIA agent when it comes to surprises and my snooping and talking about it could have ruined everything if Andrew weren't so sweet and patient. He was determined to surprise me and make this special, no matter what. We flew to Knoxville for a wedding. The following day, me, Andrew, and Andrew's brother went to Cade's Cove to "take a Mother's Day' picture" in the mountains. Now mind you, I was in a bad mood because I hadn't gone #2 the entire time we were there and looked and felt pregnant! On the way there I even made a comment to Patrick that I was bummed because I checked Andrew's pockets and there was no sign of a ring! (Of course he told Andrew this....traitor!) Patrick pulled over for the picture and I was so enamored with the turkeys running around the field that I didn't even notice that Patrick was at a distance taking pictures. When I turned around, Andrew was on his knee. Y'all, he had been on his knee before and presented me with cuff links as a joke so I looked at Patrick as if to say "Is this for real?" When Andrew began to speak shakily, I knew. He was nervous and my heart was racing. It was so surreal! I don't know how other girls have felt in this moment, but I didn't cry. I was too shocked. It didn't sink in for awhile. I knew we would get married and that it was coming one day, but still....It was so surreal! My phone didn't work in the mountains for like 20 minutes so I stuck my head out the window and told every hiker that came by. It was perfect. We even celebrated at Taco Bell afterwards, my favorite. Andrew's family was waiting in the parking lot of Patrick's apartment complex. Andrew's Dad hugged me and said I had a glow. I told him yes, I was ecstatic but I was also glowing because Taco Bell had done its' job!
One More Thing.........I start writing in a journal and I told myself I would give it to my husband, along with a few letters I wrote. I love the idea that I was writing him letters and writing out prayers before I even met him.
(Notice the pre-Taco Bell stomach)
Enough rambling, here is my point. The fact that flawed, imperfect, talks too much me can find an incredible man like Andrew allows me to draw 2 conclusions. 1) God's a God of grace. I have failed and not trusted Him so many times, yet He went before me and gave me this wonderful gift anyway. I do not deserve such a gift, especially when other girls better than me have yet to receive it, so I bow my head in thanks. How amazing is His grace! and 2) If someone as imperfect as me can find someone as incredible as Andrew, anyone can!
I love the journey He has taken me on. And I know there's more to come, but my point for writing all this is to encourage girls out there to live! Live life like God has it for you. I am not God. I can't promise anything, but I know that I know that I know that He is faithful. He has a plan and I pray I can help people understand that Andrew, a huge house, perfect children, none of that is the answer. God is. So kick your heels off, put your feet up and rest in the fact that God has a plan. And a man! (That totally rhymes). Live life with wild abandonment!
Now here is the short version and some pictures of my proposal....
I am a CIA agent when it comes to surprises and my snooping and talking about it could have ruined everything if Andrew weren't so sweet and patient. He was determined to surprise me and make this special, no matter what. We flew to Knoxville for a wedding. The following day, me, Andrew, and Andrew's brother went to Cade's Cove to "take a Mother's Day' picture" in the mountains. Now mind you, I was in a bad mood because I hadn't gone #2 the entire time we were there and looked and felt pregnant! On the way there I even made a comment to Patrick that I was bummed because I checked Andrew's pockets and there was no sign of a ring! (Of course he told Andrew this....traitor!) Patrick pulled over for the picture and I was so enamored with the turkeys running around the field that I didn't even notice that Patrick was at a distance taking pictures. When I turned around, Andrew was on his knee. Y'all, he had been on his knee before and presented me with cuff links as a joke so I looked at Patrick as if to say "Is this for real?" When Andrew began to speak shakily, I knew. He was nervous and my heart was racing. It was so surreal! I don't know how other girls have felt in this moment, but I didn't cry. I was too shocked. It didn't sink in for awhile. I knew we would get married and that it was coming one day, but still....It was so surreal! My phone didn't work in the mountains for like 20 minutes so I stuck my head out the window and told every hiker that came by. It was perfect. We even celebrated at Taco Bell afterwards, my favorite. Andrew's family was waiting in the parking lot of Patrick's apartment complex. Andrew's Dad hugged me and said I had a glow. I told him yes, I was ecstatic but I was also glowing because Taco Bell had done its' job!
One More Thing.........I start writing in a journal and I told myself I would give it to my husband, along with a few letters I wrote. I love the idea that I was writing him letters and writing out prayers before I even met him.

Thursday, April 30, 2009
Why Women Love Edward Cullen....
Okay so Edward Cullen isn't that hot. I mean, if I were single I would definitely make out with him, but he isn't so hot that I'd give up my mortality, my soul. And let's face it. He eats Bambi for dinner. He's albino. He's socially awkward. I'm sorry, but if you just looked at him from a distance.... I don't think he would be qualified as smokin' hot! So my question is why every girl on the planet fell in love with him after reading and/or watching Twilight??? Why is it that we are able to look past the pale skin and the fact that he's a vampire and be so obsessed with him that we read and read and watch and watch Twilight? Why is it that my grown sister, who has 3 kids and no time for herself, saw the movie 5 times in the theater then pirated a copy on the Internet so that she could watch it some more??? I'll tell you why.....
Look at their intensity......

The way she looks at him.....
The protective way he watches her....
His intensity....
There's that look again.........
I'll tell you why every girl, including myself, is in love with Edward Cullen. Because of the way he loves Bella. Every single girl on the face of this earth wants to be loved like that. I mean truly loved. Edward is so protective of Bella. He can't get her off his mind. He doesn't watch TV. He writes her music. He doesn't ignore her because she talks too much. He watches her sleep! He loves her so much he wants to grow old with her, not make her like him so he can have her forever. He puts her soul first. They aren't physical. Their relationship is based on so much more than that. Bella isn't Carrie Bradshaw. She is homely and klutzy and Edward loves that about her. He doesn't try to change her. He just loves her. The way she is. The things she says. Her flaws. Her strengths. He loves the mess out of her. This is what girls want! We want to be loved to the core. And we want to be free to love back the way Bella loves Edward. I read in one of the Twilight series books that Bella wanted to spend every moment she could with Edward, forfeit sleep even, just so she could have more time with him. How many of us feel that way about the men in our life??? I'm sorry, but the whole vampire thing pales in comparison to the intensity of their love. The way he looks at her... Who doesn't want to be looked at like that? The way he rescues her time and time again....I'm sorry but as tough girl as try to be, I still want that! Who doesn't???? That's why women love Edward Cullen. He embodies what we all want. Someone to love us to our core. Not all of us are like Bella. I couldn't be more different than her, but just like her I want to be loved, rescued, understood, pursued and protected. And I'm sorry to generalize, but I think no matter who you are, what your type is, everyone, and I mean everyone, wants a love like that!
Look at their intensity......

The way she looks at him.....

Thursday, March 26, 2009
So I went to this swanky yoga class the other day. When I arrived I was the only people that forgot my designer yoga mat and soy nuts. I looked around, with my TJ Max yoga mat in hand and noticed that everyone was pretty dang beautiful. People were talking amongst themselves so I took the liberty of eavesdropping. One lady had this beautiful Russian accent. She was talking to this chiseled man who had just returned from a yoga retreat in Hawaii. Then there was this gorgeous blonde who was half my size and was dressed so dang cute, even had on a perfect little headband that matched her yoga mat. Then there was I. Full because I had to eat something before yoga and clad in a wife beater tank top and pants I have had for years. As we started breathing in mountain pose my mind got to turnin'. I love yoga. LOVE IT! And no offense to the peeps in my $15 dollar class but you don't have to be a 100 pound, beautiful person who drinks green tea and eats of the earth to love it. You can eat at Taco Bell. You can have a big butt. You don't have to wear Juicy Couture to class. You can wear no makeup and opt not to do particular poses because they give you gas! Yes, they give me gas...probably the Taco Bell. Throughout my way too long yoga class tire yoga my brain was flooded with thoughts that brought me to my main point (And yes I have a main point). I WANT TO BE RELATEABLE. There is nothing wrong with being thin, beautiful, rich, vegan, etc. so I have to clarify that before I surrender to my epiphany. There's nothing wrong with being naturally brilliant or good at everything. I used to want to be that so badly. But then I submitted to the fact that God wants me relatable. Here's what I mean.
I am not the kind of girl who can put down a half of a Snickers bar down because I'm full. I can't imagine not wanting to eat a gallon of ice cream while watching Lifetime all Saturday. I am not good at sports. I had to study to make good grades. I look terrible in a bathing suit. I say the wrong thing often. I hate running more than life itself. I hate independent films. I don't appreciate modern art. I struggle with my weight. I don't wake up or step out of the shower naturally beautiful. I have had a billion cavities. I still get zits. I wear granny panties because the lacy ones are uncomfortable. I'd rather read a chic lit novel than something on Oprah's best seller list. I have cellulite and while exercising feels good, I would choose to be thin without having to do it. I probably will not lose baby weight just breast feeding.
All this to say is that I am not this close-to-perfect-good-at-everything kind of gal. I'm not saying this to cut myself down because I am good at some things. And I have accomplished a lot. What I'm saying is that I'm not this naturally talented envied person. For example: If you have a problem or suck at something....I can probably tell you I'm worse at it and not be lying. For the longest time I fought this. I wanted to not eat when I was upset. I wanted to look like a supermodel and when someone asked me what I did to look that good I'd say, "Oh, I just run after my kids!" I wanted to marry right out of college. live in a perfect home, have 2.5 kids and live like The Waltons. Well, here I am at 27. I'm not married. I don't love my current job. I'm not rich. I live in an apartment where I have to walk to the laundry room. My house and all my black clothes are covered in Boston's hair. I have love handles that didn't used to be there. I should probably wear Spanks but I get too claustrophobic. I want to run every morning but end up power walking at night sometimes. I don't have the perfect life I always wanted with the perfect job, perfect life, and perfect relationships. But I would not trade what I have for anything.
Why????? Because I am relateable. When a close friend is crying on my shoulder because she likes some loser jerk in the most unhealthy way, I can truly understand her heart. When a girlfriend calls me crying from the dressing room because she has cellulite, I can text her a picture of me in a bikini. When my friend texts me because she hasn't taken a dump that day, I can glady tell her when my last one was without turning red. When my gal pal calls me and tells me she no clue why God is kicking her when she is already down, I can read her excerpts from my journal to remind her of His faithfulness. When my good friend calls me crying because there is no man on earth for her, I can tell her the story of me and Andrew.
I am flawed. I have made many mistakes and I have gone down paths that I would have never picked on the front-end, but I know that I know that I know that God has made me who I am and taken me places so that I can truly relate to other broken people. I am clumsy, flabby, and pretty lousy at a lot of things but guess what.... I would not choose to be a size 0, marathon running, perfect human being for all the money in the world because I am exactly who I am supposed to be. I am relateable.
I am not the kind of girl who can put down a half of a Snickers bar down because I'm full. I can't imagine not wanting to eat a gallon of ice cream while watching Lifetime all Saturday. I am not good at sports. I had to study to make good grades. I look terrible in a bathing suit. I say the wrong thing often. I hate running more than life itself. I hate independent films. I don't appreciate modern art. I struggle with my weight. I don't wake up or step out of the shower naturally beautiful. I have had a billion cavities. I still get zits. I wear granny panties because the lacy ones are uncomfortable. I'd rather read a chic lit novel than something on Oprah's best seller list. I have cellulite and while exercising feels good, I would choose to be thin without having to do it. I probably will not lose baby weight just breast feeding.
All this to say is that I am not this close-to-perfect-good-at-everything kind of gal. I'm not saying this to cut myself down because I am good at some things. And I have accomplished a lot. What I'm saying is that I'm not this naturally talented envied person. For example: If you have a problem or suck at something....I can probably tell you I'm worse at it and not be lying. For the longest time I fought this. I wanted to not eat when I was upset. I wanted to look like a supermodel and when someone asked me what I did to look that good I'd say, "Oh, I just run after my kids!" I wanted to marry right out of college. live in a perfect home, have 2.5 kids and live like The Waltons. Well, here I am at 27. I'm not married. I don't love my current job. I'm not rich. I live in an apartment where I have to walk to the laundry room. My house and all my black clothes are covered in Boston's hair. I have love handles that didn't used to be there. I should probably wear Spanks but I get too claustrophobic. I want to run every morning but end up power walking at night sometimes. I don't have the perfect life I always wanted with the perfect job, perfect life, and perfect relationships. But I would not trade what I have for anything.
Why????? Because I am relateable. When a close friend is crying on my shoulder because she likes some loser jerk in the most unhealthy way, I can truly understand her heart. When a girlfriend calls me crying from the dressing room because she has cellulite, I can text her a picture of me in a bikini. When my friend texts me because she hasn't taken a dump that day, I can glady tell her when my last one was without turning red. When my gal pal calls me and tells me she no clue why God is kicking her when she is already down, I can read her excerpts from my journal to remind her of His faithfulness. When my good friend calls me crying because there is no man on earth for her, I can tell her the story of me and Andrew.
I am flawed. I have made many mistakes and I have gone down paths that I would have never picked on the front-end, but I know that I know that I know that God has made me who I am and taken me places so that I can truly relate to other broken people. I am clumsy, flabby, and pretty lousy at a lot of things but guess what.... I would not choose to be a size 0, marathon running, perfect human being for all the money in the world because I am exactly who I am supposed to be. I am relateable.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
I have never been a blender. You know, one of those people who fit in everywhere. Who drifts through life with everyone liking them. Someone agreeable who has opinions but is able to keep them to themselves. Someone who adapts to change without voicing emotion. Someone steady. Nope, that's never been me. Since childhood I was the kid who stood in the corner. Who was dating the popular kid at school yet at the same time was the only one not asked to someone's party. I was always left out. Let me rephrase that. I was purposely left out. Even after college, I was intentionally hurt by people. Like flat out the only one in a group of friends not asked along. Crap like that has always been a part of my life. My good friend once told me he has the attitude of "If you don't like me what's wrong with you?" I wish that I could believe that all the time because it's true. Blender or nonblender, we should all be beautiful people and truly know that if someone doesn't like us it's because they are insecure.
I'm starting to get why people are the way they are, though it still baffles me as to why they are the way they are. People are insanely insecure. I mean, insecure beyond normal. Normal insecurity I get. I have fat days. I have ugly, bad hair, I'm so stupid days. Who doesn't? I'm talking about the people that are so insecure that they find that their coping mechanism is to be downright cruel. I have seen the sweetest people with the kindest go from saint to mean girl in 2 seconds flat. And it's all about being threatened. I mean sometimes I think you should feel threatened. Like when Mean Girl called Animal Control on my baby boy. My hair stood up and my claws came out. And I believe it was warranted. Not right but a normal reaction. But this isn't the mean I'm talking about. I'm talking about the friend who betrays you because she's jealous of you. Or the friend that talks bad about you because she secretly envies you. Because they are out there. Usually blenders are able to keep order, usually, but nonblenders beware. Nonblenders are prey for this kind of cruelty. And no matter how strong a leader you are, it still hurts. It's excruciating.
I've always stood out. I've always been loud, opinionated, strong, different. I was a born leader. I advocate for the under dog and definitely stick up for what I believe. (Probably at times when I should confidently keep my mouth shut). People like me are either truly loved or truly hated. Some nonblenders are annoying. Some blenders are annoying. Too loud. Too quiet. Too opinionated. Too easy going. Too much. Not enough, whatever. Not that cruelty is ever okay, but some people are so kind hearted and so loving and would do anything for anybody and are still targets of the insecure. This to me is cruel beyond cruel.
I'll never forget this girl from my past. We were best friends for awhile. I mean so close, like Lucy and Ethel. Little by little she decided she didn't want to be friends anymore for whatever reason so she pulled away. I asked her about it multiple times, but she never voiced herself and I eventually let her go. Months went by and soon she was no longer in my life. Moreover, couldn't stand me. She had parties and didn't invite me. She told people things about me that weren't true. This girl was so cruel that it gutted me to the core. It was worse than a bad breakup. She would call every now and then when she needed something, but we have never gone back to where we were. She didn't even invite me to her wedding. Cruel people like that are insecure. They want something you have. They find the need to belittle and hate you because they are so grieved over something about themselves. It's uncalled for. It's unnecessary, but sadly, it's prevalent. Especially in my world.
I pray my little girl is a leader. I want her strong in her convictions. I want her confident and secure. I pray she is a better version of myself. And I want her to know that when some mean girl out there doesn't ask her to the social event of the year, it's because that girl is threatened. When some mean girl talks smack about my little girl, I want my sweet child to know that as much as it hurts it means she is doing something right. I'm gonna hold her and stroke her hair and cry with her. But when morning comes, I'm gonna remind her to hold her head high, not to retaliate and remember that if someone doesn't like her something must be wrong with them.
I'm starting to get why people are the way they are, though it still baffles me as to why they are the way they are. People are insanely insecure. I mean, insecure beyond normal. Normal insecurity I get. I have fat days. I have ugly, bad hair, I'm so stupid days. Who doesn't? I'm talking about the people that are so insecure that they find that their coping mechanism is to be downright cruel. I have seen the sweetest people with the kindest go from saint to mean girl in 2 seconds flat. And it's all about being threatened. I mean sometimes I think you should feel threatened. Like when Mean Girl called Animal Control on my baby boy. My hair stood up and my claws came out. And I believe it was warranted. Not right but a normal reaction. But this isn't the mean I'm talking about. I'm talking about the friend who betrays you because she's jealous of you. Or the friend that talks bad about you because she secretly envies you. Because they are out there. Usually blenders are able to keep order, usually, but nonblenders beware. Nonblenders are prey for this kind of cruelty. And no matter how strong a leader you are, it still hurts. It's excruciating.
I've always stood out. I've always been loud, opinionated, strong, different. I was a born leader. I advocate for the under dog and definitely stick up for what I believe. (Probably at times when I should confidently keep my mouth shut). People like me are either truly loved or truly hated. Some nonblenders are annoying. Some blenders are annoying. Too loud. Too quiet. Too opinionated. Too easy going. Too much. Not enough, whatever. Not that cruelty is ever okay, but some people are so kind hearted and so loving and would do anything for anybody and are still targets of the insecure. This to me is cruel beyond cruel.
I'll never forget this girl from my past. We were best friends for awhile. I mean so close, like Lucy and Ethel. Little by little she decided she didn't want to be friends anymore for whatever reason so she pulled away. I asked her about it multiple times, but she never voiced herself and I eventually let her go. Months went by and soon she was no longer in my life. Moreover, couldn't stand me. She had parties and didn't invite me. She told people things about me that weren't true. This girl was so cruel that it gutted me to the core. It was worse than a bad breakup. She would call every now and then when she needed something, but we have never gone back to where we were. She didn't even invite me to her wedding. Cruel people like that are insecure. They want something you have. They find the need to belittle and hate you because they are so grieved over something about themselves. It's uncalled for. It's unnecessary, but sadly, it's prevalent. Especially in my world.
I pray my little girl is a leader. I want her strong in her convictions. I want her confident and secure. I pray she is a better version of myself. And I want her to know that when some mean girl out there doesn't ask her to the social event of the year, it's because that girl is threatened. When some mean girl talks smack about my little girl, I want my sweet child to know that as much as it hurts it means she is doing something right. I'm gonna hold her and stroke her hair and cry with her. But when morning comes, I'm gonna remind her to hold her head high, not to retaliate and remember that if someone doesn't like her something must be wrong with them.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Does A+B = C????

A. I love Andrew Dafferner.
B. I can't stand backseat/passenger drivers.
C. I love when Andrew tells me how to drive.
B. I can't stand backseat/passenger drivers.
C. I love when Andrew tells me how to drive.

A+B does NOT = C!
So there is always drama in the Huff-Dafferner love saga. Like every night. Maybe I'm bored or just a plain brat, but seriously there's never a dull moment. So last night Andrew was late about coming home from his softball game so by the time it was 7:30 I decided I wasn't waiting around any longer. Fat girl's gotta eat and girl power, you know? I called Andrew and he didn't answer so homeboy got left. Now mind you Andrew's car was in the parking lot, but it must have slipped my mind that that meant he was there. (Yeah, I'm smart.) When I was in the drive thru line Andrew calls and asks why I left him. Being the great girlfriend I am, I came back to get him and his arm was hurting him again so I drove. Andrew is just so sweet and helpful. He reminded me to get in the left lane, turn here, etc. What a guy! We ate our fast food and went on to Blockbuster to return a movie. My sweet man reminded me where every camera was at each light. He reminded me that my tail light was not working and to drive carefully. He told me, "Baby get in the turn lane!" and "When we have kids you are not eating while driving them." He told me not to turn around in the parking lot, to pull into a space and back out. That's when I parked the car and said, "I'm not driving." He got frustrated and said, "Start the car. I'm not driving," etc. Finally, I did what all mature 27 year old girls would do. I got out of the car and sat on the curb while finishing my ice cream. Andrew said nothing and I was getting cold, but I refused to give in. I started to walk home. Then I got scared with all the traffic so walked the block. (Meanwhile, Andrew has not made a peep). Then I went into Blockbuster and looked at every movie bin with a sale, every new release, every candy item for sale. ABout 30 minutes later I was tired. I marched right back to the car and placed myself in the driver's seat. Andrew looked up from his Iphone game (No wonder he didn't make a peep) and we both started laughing. We kissed and I drove off. He said nothing else the whole way home.
Monday night we decided to order a pizza. I was so excited by the time he came over and finished work I had ordered out half cheese/half pepperoni-pineapple pizza that would be delivered in 30 minutes. 45 passed and no pizza. Then it clicked.
"Baby, I think I gave them the wrong address."
"What address did you give them, Kim?"
"Yours?" I said sheepishly.
"What phone number did you give them, Kim?"
"Yours?" I said again.
Andrew made his way to his phone and sure enough, our pizza was delivered in 25 minutes to his apartment. He asked me to call them back, but I couldn't. I was too emmbarassed. Andrew called and offered to pick it up and they said it wouldn't be neceessary, they would re-deliver it to my apartment. When the pizza came, I ran upstairs in embarassment. Andrew acted annoyed all of 2 seconds and laughed. He laughed! He said it was hysterical.
Like I said, never a dull moment. And when we get married I pomise you there will be no surprises.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Miss Bates
Emma is one of my favorite movies of all time....if not my favorite. (Can you believe I've never read the book!) And Jane Austen is the bomb. She is brilliant. And before I go all into a dissertation on British Literature and how my girl Jane captures the socioeconomic trends of her time while also writing to a woman's soul, let me get to the point. There is a scene when Emma offends someone publicly in front of a large crowd of people. Emma is a sweet, sensitive character with a kind and helping heart, but she was in a bad mood and very annoyed with Miss Bates. Miss Bates is not mean and doesn't say anything ugly throughout the entire scene. She's just an annoying, insecure lady. Well at one point, Emma puts her down in front of the large group. She immediately feels bad because you can see the anguish n her face, but all the same she embarrasses Miss Bates. Well, after the scene Mr. Knightley (Emma's brother-in-law and best friend/love) lays into Emma and he says something so profound. First, he reminds Emma that Miss Bates is poor. That she is poorer than the day she was born and will continue sinking into poverty until the day she dies. Then he says, "your situation in every way being above hers should secure your compassion."
Think about that for a moment. Emma was upset because she was having some issues of her own. She was jealous of the attention Miss Bates' niece was getting. She felt left out and was annoyed with Miss Bates because seriously, she is extremely annoying. How many days am I in a bad mood because I feel fat? Tired? Jealous? Left out? And how many people do I know that are so dang annoying I would rather beat my head in with a hammer than hear speak. Well, Emma has one slip. One episode of mouth diarrhea, and I don't judge her for that. But she slipped and well, she offended this annoying yet precious lady that wouldn't hurt a fly. I love love love what Mr. Knightley says. And I think all of us could learn from it. Me especially.
I have quite a few Miss Bates in my life. Miss Bates but with a mean streak! I have a few that aren't even a fraction as sweet as she is and more annoying. Take Animal Control Girl for example. She is a loser. I'm sorry. I know that's ugly, but she went after my baby and for that I'm calling her a loser. Well, I was just told that she recently gained a lot of weight. And that her parents hate her fiance/boyfriend. Hate him to the point of coming in town to stay with her yet not even speaking to him. And I don't think she has much money. Now before you go feeling sorry for her, remember she has Animal Control's number on her speed dial! Actually, feel sorry for her because that's sad. And if you ask me her life sucks. I mean, she could change a few things, as could I, but all in all it's sad. My going off on her the other day felt great. And if you ask me she deserved it and more. But my situation being above hers in every area should have secured my compassion! I have a loving boyfriend who my parents talk to on the phone! I am not rich, but Andrew and I have plenty of money and will have more in years to come. I tend to fluctuate 5 or so pounds but have not gained 30 pounds and hopefully never will. My situation is better if you ask me, and I should have had more compassion. As Mr. Knightley says to Emma, "Badly done, Emma." Yeah, badly done, Kim.
I have another girl in my life that criticizes me a lot. I don't think she even knows she does it. She makes little comments that seriously make me wanna slap her. I could put her in her place. I could make her feel as small as she makes me feel, but this time I am choosing to focus on her situation. (You got me on a good week.) I'm sure I'll mess up. I'm sure I'll snap one day. To her or to some other Miss Bates in the future, but I am really going to try and focus on people's lives. In no way do I think it's ever okay to belittle someone. To make someone feel small out of insecurity, superiority, or whatever. It's wrong and I pray God puts people like that in their place. Me included! My point being it's okay to say something to stick up for yourself, to pull them aside and say "Enough!" But it's not okay to be like them. Because the world needs less people like them and more people willing to shush and remember that hurting people hurt people.
Think about that for a moment. Emma was upset because she was having some issues of her own. She was jealous of the attention Miss Bates' niece was getting. She felt left out and was annoyed with Miss Bates because seriously, she is extremely annoying. How many days am I in a bad mood because I feel fat? Tired? Jealous? Left out? And how many people do I know that are so dang annoying I would rather beat my head in with a hammer than hear speak. Well, Emma has one slip. One episode of mouth diarrhea, and I don't judge her for that. But she slipped and well, she offended this annoying yet precious lady that wouldn't hurt a fly. I love love love what Mr. Knightley says. And I think all of us could learn from it. Me especially.
I have quite a few Miss Bates in my life. Miss Bates but with a mean streak! I have a few that aren't even a fraction as sweet as she is and more annoying. Take Animal Control Girl for example. She is a loser. I'm sorry. I know that's ugly, but she went after my baby and for that I'm calling her a loser. Well, I was just told that she recently gained a lot of weight. And that her parents hate her fiance/boyfriend. Hate him to the point of coming in town to stay with her yet not even speaking to him. And I don't think she has much money. Now before you go feeling sorry for her, remember she has Animal Control's number on her speed dial! Actually, feel sorry for her because that's sad. And if you ask me her life sucks. I mean, she could change a few things, as could I, but all in all it's sad. My going off on her the other day felt great. And if you ask me she deserved it and more. But my situation being above hers in every area should have secured my compassion! I have a loving boyfriend who my parents talk to on the phone! I am not rich, but Andrew and I have plenty of money and will have more in years to come. I tend to fluctuate 5 or so pounds but have not gained 30 pounds and hopefully never will. My situation is better if you ask me, and I should have had more compassion. As Mr. Knightley says to Emma, "Badly done, Emma." Yeah, badly done, Kim.
I have another girl in my life that criticizes me a lot. I don't think she even knows she does it. She makes little comments that seriously make me wanna slap her. I could put her in her place. I could make her feel as small as she makes me feel, but this time I am choosing to focus on her situation. (You got me on a good week.) I'm sure I'll mess up. I'm sure I'll snap one day. To her or to some other Miss Bates in the future, but I am really going to try and focus on people's lives. In no way do I think it's ever okay to belittle someone. To make someone feel small out of insecurity, superiority, or whatever. It's wrong and I pray God puts people like that in their place. Me included! My point being it's okay to say something to stick up for yourself, to pull them aside and say "Enough!" But it's not okay to be like them. Because the world needs less people like them and more people willing to shush and remember that hurting people hurt people.
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