Okay so Edward Cullen isn't that hot. I mean, if I were single I would definitely make out with him, but he isn't so hot that I'd give up my mortality, my soul. And let's face it. He eats Bambi for dinner. He's albino. He's socially awkward. I'm sorry, but if you just looked at him from a distance.... I don't think he would be qualified as smokin' hot! So my question is why every girl on the planet fell in love with him after reading and/or watching Twilight??? Why is it that we are able to look past the pale skin and the fact that he's a vampire and be so obsessed with him that we read and read and watch and watch Twilight? Why is it that my grown sister, who has 3 kids and no time for herself, saw the movie 5 times in the theater then pirated a copy on the Internet so that she could watch it some more??? I'll tell you why.....
Look at their intensity......

The way she looks at him.....

The protective way he watches her....

His intensity....

There's that look again.........

I'll tell you why every girl, including myself, is in love with Edward Cullen. Because of the way he loves Bella. Every single girl on the face of this earth wants to be loved like that. I mean truly loved. Edward is so protective of Bella. He can't get her off his mind. He doesn't watch TV. He writes her music. He doesn't ignore her because she talks too much. He watches her sleep! He loves her so much he wants to grow old with her, not make her like him so he can have her forever. He puts her soul first. They aren't physical. Their relationship is based on so much more than that. Bella isn't Carrie Bradshaw. She is homely and klutzy and Edward loves that about her. He doesn't try to change her. He just loves her. The way she is. The things she says. Her flaws. Her strengths. He loves the mess out of her. This is what girls want! We want to be loved to the core. And we want to be free to love back the way Bella loves Edward. I read in one of the Twilight series books that Bella wanted to spend every moment she could with Edward, forfeit sleep even, just so she could have more time with him. How many of us feel that way about the men in our life??? I'm sorry, but the whole vampire thing pales in comparison to the intensity of their love. The way he looks at her... Who doesn't want to be looked at like that? The way he rescues her time and time again....I'm sorry but as tough girl as try to be, I still want that! Who doesn't???? That's why women love Edward Cullen. He embodies what we all want. Someone to love us to our core. Not all of us are like Bella. I couldn't be more different than her, but just like her I want to be loved, rescued, understood, pursued and protected. And I'm sorry to generalize, but I think no matter who you are, what your type is, everyone, and I mean everyone, wants a love like that!
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