I'm sorry, but is this fat?????

I don't know about you, but when I saw these pictures, it made me happy. She looks normal. No, she looks great! She looks like a girl in love. I never saw her as Daisy Duke, but I did see pictures and videos of her 2 hours a day/6 days a week/South Beach Diet body. She looked incredible! So incredible, in fact, that it made me kinda sick in the head. It made me want to modify my schedule so that I could workout like that. It made me want to eat stuff I don't like so that I could like that. And sadly, it made me feel like a fat cow. I'm a size 6. I shouldn't feel like that. If I were a size 12 it shouldn't make me feel like that because she isn't my standard. And she shouldn't feel like that either because because Hollywood stars and fat reporters (that sit behind their desks, eating donuts as they write crap like this) aren't her standard. I don't get Hollywood standards. I really don't. I don't get the obsession with spending hours away from family, starving yourself to fit some mold....to look like everybody else. And where do half these girls get the energy to even workout! I just wanna tell them guess what? You get hit by a car and I guaran-darn-te that you wish you ate pizza with your boyfriend the night before. And I guaran-darn-te you'd regret being rude to your loved one because your stomach hurts from hunger or your legs hurt from your 2 hours workout!
I found an article online at The New York Post that says, "Wow, Jessica Simpson looks as if she could be an offensive lineman for her quarterback boyfriend. A plump, jeans-busting Simpson stunned fans with her new bulky build over the weekend. Simpson, 28, has packed on some serious pounds in recent months..."
The article was written by David K. Li who writes for The New York Post. Well, I have been digging for pictures of this David Kid so I could report to y'all how radiant and good looking and svelte he is. I wanted to post his picture so we could put it on our refrigerators or under our pillows because homeboy must have been chiseled by God. Well y'all, I'm sad to report that I got nothing. I'm not gonna say anything ugly about this guy because I don't know him....and I like to sleep at night. But one can only reason that since I can't find one single picture of him and given the fact he has built a career on making fun of people...(Insert your own assumption here). Here's what he said today when he caught wind of Jessica Simpson's sister sticking up for her. "Ashlee Simpson is sticking up for her big - really big - sister." Dude, get a life. That about sums it up for me.
Don't get me wrong, I'm in no way endorsing we all start super sizing our fries and sit at home and watch Lifetime (though that could be a little fun!) And I'm not saying there's anything wrong with working to have a good body. A lot of stars get it right. Look at J Lo and Jennifer Garner and Fergie! I'm talking about the need, the sick need, to feel as if these girls are our standard. And for being defeated because we will never look like that. Confession: Sometimes I buy into the Hollywood thing and diet and exercise like a mad woman. I get all, I can look like her....I have to look like her! And you know what? I usually end up grumpy and light header from hunger. Then sometimes I go the other way and eat like a cow for a week, indulging in everything that comes my way because I will never look like that. "No thank you" are bad words. And I usually end up sluggish from the sugar overload and mean because I feel out of control. That's no way to live y'all! People that are a size 2 don't have perfect lives! What on God's green earth do we hope to accomplish with this!
What I'm talking about is balance. Balance! Watch your calories, diet if you have something you need to lose weight for. Exercise as much as you can. Eat healthily, but my jingle bells have a stinkin' piece of pie every now and then. I once heard Dr. Phil say something that has stuck with me for awhile. He said something to the effect of, "It's okay to have a piece of cake on your birthday. It's not okay to eat a whole cake on someone else's birthday!" That's the balance I'm talking about.
Y'all, we are not defined by what we eat. We aren't defined by anyone's opinion-even our husbands and boyfriends. We are responsible for how we feel. I think everyone should be as skinny as they want to be. If you feel good and can maintain a healthy lifestyle at a size 14 then more power to ya. If you love your size 4 figure and enjoy working hard to keep that then more power to ya too. But if you mull over your week's calories. Or slap yourself for having Mexican food with your gal pals then something ain't right. Size 0, size 6, size 20.... you should never be defined by this. Calories ingested and numbers on a scale are not litmus tests of our worth. Beauty is truly skin deep. And in the eye of the beholder. And when I see Jessica Simpson, I see a girl in love! And I understand that feeling. I love a guy who loves to eat. I eat fried chicken now. I eat real ice cream and it feels great. Now some days I have to cut him off and say, "I need healthy until my pants fit!" And he gets that.
Jessica Simpson looks great and it pains me to think that she's at home on her treadmill running until she can no longer stand. Or that someone out there is home from work because they had a "binge" last night and feel too fat to leave the house. I'm guilty of all of this, and as a woman I can attest that we need girls like Jessica Simpson to look at. Just like we need girlfriends that we can split chocolate cake with to keep us balanced. Because life is about balance. And it's about living to the fullest. Anyone of us could die in 5 minutes. And I don't know about you, but I'd like to go down with a full tummy....maybe even a tiny pooch!
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